“There is no ugly women, only the lazy one”
As a blogger, I need to travel lot of places. Working under the sun not only let my skin becomes dry, it also helps to grow blackhead and acne. Staying at Europe for two weeks even made my skin become drier. As I do not know much about skin care, I chose to seek help at professional medical clinic.
在朋友的介紹下我來到了位於峇株巴轄的Estee Clinic。也許很多人和我一樣,之前一直以為Estee只是一間微整形診所,但其實這裡提供很多的專業美容服務,幫助大家改善皮膚問題。Dr Ang是這裡的醫生,畢業於馬來亞大學,過後更是考取了美國AAAM文憑,從後開始經營這家診所。
Under the recommendation of friends, I went to Estee Clinic Batu Pahat. Maybe a lot people will think that Estee is only a clinic for beauty aesthetic, but it actually provides professional medical services for skin care. Dr Ang, the doctor in Estee was graduated from University of Malaya and completed the course of American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine after her four years’ experience in Hospital Sultanah Nora Ismail.
如果你和我一樣不知道從何護膚,那就交給Dr Ang吧。她會細心得向你解說皮膚問題,從而告知你適合做哪些療程。現在就讓我來分享初次踏進醫學美療診所的體驗吧!
Pass the job to Dr Ang if you know nothing regarding skin care. She will explain your skin problem and recommend you what type of treatment is suitable. Now, let me show you my first experience there.
Firstly, fill in personal information.
Next, photo session for face.
Dr Ang will check the problem of my skin through the picture from the machine.
經過Dr Ang觀察之後,我來到了她的房間聽她解說我皮膚的問題。
After the observation, Dr Ang explained that since it is my first treatment, she suggested me to do Yag Laser. This treatment is around 30 minutes and it helps to clean skin, improve uneven skin, whitening, reduce blackhead and acne, remove hair etc.
決定好後,我的第一次療程正式來咯!護士先為我潔面,然後由Dr Ang為我做鐳射療程。
After the decision was made, my first treatment was about to start. Nurse helped to clean my face and then Dr Ang started to do Yag Laser.
You will hear “Zhi..Zhi..” sound when the laser pointer is around your face but no worry, it is not pain at all.
淨膚療程後,我又到了另一個房間享受CU Skin Vitamin U Mask。很喜歡那面膜的香氣,敷在臉上很容易被吸收,我躺著20分鐘幾乎要睡著了呢。
After the treatment, I went to another room for mask session. I love the CU Skin Vitamin U Mask very much, laying there for 20 minutes almost made me dozed off.
敷完面膜後就大功告成了,臉上的黑頭粉刺明顯變少,皮膚還變滑了呢。真心感謝Estee Clinic幫我解決皮膚問題,當然最重要的還是自己要勤加保養,定時回去做護理才能擁有漂亮又健康的皮膚。
When the whole treatment was done, the blackhead and acne on my face was reduced obviously. I’m really grateful that Estee Clinic helps to improve my skin problem. I will take the treatment consistently in order to maintain my beautiful and healthy skin.
Gentle reminder: Please call to make reservation in order to save your waiting time.
Mon – Sat: 10.00am – 8.00pm
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